All posts by Painted

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Daiquiri Factory Protest

Just curious what peoples thoughts are on this subject. I for one am not offended, but definitely believe that the person who thought of the name for a drink like this was not thinking too far ahead into the future, or obviously didn’t gauge the reactions of people very well. Date rape is very serious, and even though the drink is called “Date Grape”, we all know what it refers to.

For those of you who may not be  familiar with date rape, it is often from a friend or acquaintance the victim may know and is usually but not always accompanied with the use of “Flunitrazepam — also known as NarcozepRohypnolRohipnolRoipnol, or in the vernacular, simply roofies — is an intermediate acting benzodiazepine used as an hypnotic,sedative, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic and skeletal muscle relaxant drug.”

Thank you Wiki (although wiki is not an appropriate website to site from for educational papers, occasionally you will see me use it on here).

This is a very prominent problem in our culture, with the ease of access to such medicines that anybody could become a victim. But back to topic, there is no reason such a serious situation like this should be made light of, no victim should every feel that they aren’t comfortable enough to confide in people because they may brush such a serious situation off. Our culture could definitely use a hell of a lot more compassion! As mentioned in one of my lectures on sexual abuse the other day, in Spokane about 90% of rape kits obtained at the hospital just get stored in an evidence room and don’t even get a second glance. This is not a shot at our task force in Spokane, there is simply not enough funds to run them all….does that tell you how prominent rape is in our culture?

With this being said, all of the people I hear saying, “I don’t know why you are making such a big deal, it’s just a drink.” My question is, do you condone this behavior? What makes it acceptable to joke about such things like this? What if the victim was you?

So on that note, I am proud to say I will be boycotting the Daiquiri Factory until they decide to change the drinks name, as requested, and apologize.

Blah. Sorry.

So I know it seemed like all the sudden I stopped writing, I apologize school has finally started picking up and things won’t be an every day or every other day post. I may not post as interesting topics either, just an update on my life. As of right now I am a busy mamma trying to keep up with school, work, and mom life. I do all I can not to get sick, but lately it seems that the kids bring home and give mommy every damn thing that comes along. Get to go see the doctor so hopefully she will have something to help me start battling these damn things.

For  a while there too I got in a slump. Sometimes I have these childhood things that just come back to haunt me and really give me a bad day. Sadly the trigger is our current topic in Nursing school so it will be with me for another 2 weeks, so if my posts seem kinda angry or irritated you know why. Things in certain situations never panned out for me and I am still coming to terms with a lot of the things that surround that situation. I will never understand the reasoning that people have made and their choices, but it is their choice to live with not mine, even if it will eventually directly affect me.

The Problem with Restaurants Today: Fast or Not.

Something that we as Americans are known for is restaurants whether they be sit down or fast food. Do you know what you are getting at your restaurant? Being somebody who has been in the food industry most standards now days is freeze to thaw. Thaw you chicken, your burger patty. Nothing is hardly fresh anymore. I myself am lucky enough to get to work with a company that does fresh food and avoids additives. We do not do very many frozen items and all of our deli meats are sliced fresh. But what does that mean “fresh”? There is a common food chain in America called Subway and their slogan is “Eat Fresh”, not only do I know a manager who works at multiple locations and won’t even eat most of the food there due to the handling and food itself, but the amount of preservatives they have in everything is enough to make you go “What is that?”.  These are a few articles on Subway:

“Is Subway Real Food?”

“The Subway Deception”

If you think about the meat that they put in everything whether it be at a Subway, McDonalds, or even a sit down restaurant like Shari’s in things such as chicken fried steak they have tons of preservatives and large amounts of sodium.


There items are anywhere from 490 mg sodium in a fish filet to 1680mg for a large breakfast biscuit.



CDC-American’s Sodium intake is too high

Then there is always the argument that fast food is cheaper, and when talking about eating as one it may seem cheaper but how many doctor bills are you going to pay down the road for things like; obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, fatty liver, stroke, high cholesterol, and many more.

Then when you start adding more people it no longer becomes affordable. Ways to make meals more affordable is to cook a little bit extra of dinner for the following day for lunch. I have a friend who added up all of the expenses from going out for fast food and her husband going and she was taken aback at how much they had spent within a month. So I guess the point of this is, fast food and preservative foods are so unhealthy for you and in the long run and short they are not really as affordable as they seem. Remember moderation for everything.

Submitting a Story

This sub blog is going to be for those of you who would like to submit your own story for the whole 4 people who probably come here now. But here’s to hoping your story will create more color and flavor for this page. All stories for now must be submitted and approved via Facebook until I get an email set up for this site.

Should there be a world standard EPA?

Things like this scare me, whether this particular incidence is rare or not. I believe we need to appoint an EPA for world regulation and treat it like the UN, have countries come in a pole on it. What kind of environment are we leaving for our children? I personally do not want to see a rise in cancer and all these new unexplained diseases. I do not want my children to be subject to a sub-par living standards because we and the previous generations have destroyed the environment. I may not buy all organic, but I do believe that limiting processed foods along with fast foods is very important.

Monogamy, is it natural or forced by society? Does it vary from person to person.

So first and foremost todays’ writing is about the more scientific side not religion or God’s will, so the argument that God intended marriage to be between (one) man and woman doesn’t hold water in this argument. The reason that I am writing about this is the subject has been brought up a lot lately, conversation, movies, articles, and observation. As far as observation goes I have seen countless relationships where either sexes were cheating on the other, and in some cases it was love and true passion, and it other it was just sex. Does it make it ok if there are no emotions involved? Is it ok to do it if you are not getting the fulfillment out of your current relationship? Of course I can hear the no’s in my head right now, we were born and raised to think it is not ok. I tend to agree on certain circumstances, every relationship has to have trust, and going into a relationship thinking that you will be truthful and faithful to one another is important. Then there are the relationships that are poly amorous (more than 2 people in a relationship), or open (truthful about other partners), there is also swinging which is mutual. So I guess what I am trying to get at is why do some of us have the driving urge to explore beyond our happiness? Is there some natural instinct that drives us to want to expand beyond just one? Now there is a difference between social monogamy and sexual monogamy where the first is where they say with one mate the rest of their life but have flings, sexually monogamous has one partner both socially and sexually for the entirety of life. As read in the article “Are Humans Meant to be Monogamous?”
Evolutionary psychologists have suggested that men are more likely to have extramarital sex, partially due to the male urge to “spread genes” by broadcasting sperm. Both males and females, these scientists say, try to up their evolutionary progress by seeking out high-quality mates, albeit in different ways.The committed partnership between a man and a woman evolved, some say, for the well-being of children.”

Try and keep any of the comments polite please.


Welcome to my world!

Welcome to the thoughts in my head. This is just a blog that I will be writing on so I don’t fill up Facebook with my ramblings. I will be posting everything from my gross EMT pictures and Nursing stuff. Silly antics of my days, and eventually when my career takes off, of course within HIPAA guidelines, will talk about life as a nurse. Things to know about me, I am crazy, sometimes very crass, and no weak stomach, sorry to those of you who have one.